Sitting Exercises

Stress Management

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Everyone thinks that the principal thing to the tree is the fruit, but in point of fact the principal thing to it is the seed.

Friedrich-Wilhelm Nietzsche

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Exercise Can Help You Relax

Tense and Relax Neck and Shoulders
The most common location for muscle tension in most people is the back of the neck and shoulders. One easy way of releasing the tension is to tighten the neck and shoulders, hold for 5-10 seconds, then completely release. Repeat a number of times. Be aware of more relaxation in this area than before.

Circling Shoulders
Be aware during the day when your shoulders are tight. Consciously release this tension while gently rotating them first in one direction and then in the other. You can do this quite inconspicuously. A gentle massage by a friend is a great follow-up. Remember that you look more confident and at-ease with loose rather than tight shoulders.

Leg Loosener
Many women make it a habit to hold their legs tightly together, even when alone. Similarly, men often keep their legs quite tight, especially when pushed for time in an tense situation. This commonly is reflected in foot jiggling or knee bobbing. Deliberately allow your leg muscles to let go. Let your thighs fall apart a little. Keep your ankles relaxed.

Face Loosener
Your facial muscles are closely tied to your emotional state. Tension or relaxation in your face is an important form of nonverbal communication. Especially telltale is forehead muscle contraction, which for many people is a chronic condition.

You may find it quite useful, therefore, to do the following:

Check whether your teeth are clenched. If so, let them release so that your jaw is more relaxed. Next, check out your forehead. If you detect muscle tension there, lift your eyebrows gently and release the lines of tension or fatigue. Turn a furrowed, frowning brow into a smooth, relaxed forehead. Coordinate each step with a relaxing breathing-away of tension.

Neck Press
A simple method of reducing neck tension is to press the head back against a wall or bookcase for a few seconds, then release, much like you did above with your arms.



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